As the spring has now quietly melded into the summer months, many familiar things begin to happen, not the least of which is the appearance of the fireflies or lightning bugs as they are sometimes referred to. As dusk settles in, these lowly creatures begin their mating journey, coming up out of the grass and immediately signaling their arrival with that yellowish-green pulse of light. It almost seems as if they are working in concert, as there are so many flying up from the ground and in synchronous tempo, they flash together. It is sad to know that the male of this species has but 24 hours to find a suitable mate in order to procreate. Talk about motivation!
It is also true with the near perfect hibiscus flower. This flower is truly one of the most spectacular and perfectly formed flowers with vibrant colors, large pedals and prominent pistil and stamen. It is a joy to see these large, beautiful blooms, but sadly, as soon as the sun goes down, the blooms of the day fold up and are through, never to open again. Just one day to show their glory.
What would you do if you knew you only had one day, 24 hours to impress the world. How would you catch the eye of your prospective customer? What lasting impression would you leave that would make you unforgettable? How would you want them to remember you?
Many times when you reach out with your marketing communications, you have one shot, just one chance to leave a lasting impression. What may seem unimportant or trivial may have a significant impact. An employee saying the wrong thing or writing a disparaging remark on the wall of their Facebook page could cause unforeseen problems and is all the more reason to have established social guidelines for your employees.
If you had 24 hours, how would you use your special skills to change the world?
If you always have the frame of mind that you get but one chance with a prospective customer, the way you market your company will take on a new importance, it can be an opportunity to have an impact on a life, and be the chance to show your glory.
I’d love to know your thoughts.